The High-Achievement Mentorship Program


  • Bi-weekly Mentorship Sessions:

    Each Mentorship sessions is designed to help you explore and apply the 12 pillars of Business Done Boldly. Learn how to establish and sustain the high-performance habits that transform inspiration into actionable outcomes to lead a purposeful and meaningful life.

  • Weekly Supportive Accountability:
    You are not ALONE! Intentional and focused weekly accountability check-ins will help you maintain momentum and take control of your current operations. This support is crucial as you build towards the business you envision, helping you stay on track and focused on your goals.

  • Inspiration and Innovation Sessions:

    Designed to help you explore cutting-edge strategies to inject high-performance innovation into your business. These sessions are tailored to help you identify and leverage new growth opportunities, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in your industry.

  • Customized Momentum Action Plan:

    This customized plan is tailored to you and will help guide you in becoming the best and most bold version of yourself. Gain clarity on the most important aspect of your path to success and personal fulfillment: The NEXT STEP!

  • Direct Access to Mentor Feedback and Support:

    Direct access to your mentor for personalized feedback and support throughout the program. This open line of communication allows you to receive tailored advice and real-time answers to your pressing questions, enhancing your learning and growth.

Exclusive Bonus:


In this intensive training discover the proven strategies that increase your reach, establish your authority, and don't break the bank to make it happen. Together we will:

  • Design your High Converting Lead Generation Funnel to capture, nurture, and convert your right fit client at scale!

  • Create a client journey that is guaranteed to build know, like, trust so they will decide, enroll, and refer.

  • Automate and Replicate your communication processes to turn task into touchpoints and curate a list of highly motivated and engaged leads that align with your vision and mission and are ready to pay you for the solutions you deliver.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who is this Mastermind for?

High-Performing, Highly-Driven entrepreneur who are ready to optimize their business and be part of a collective of like minded individuals focused on supporting and empowering each other to grow their businesses and serve their right fit clients at the highest level..

Who is this Mastermind not for?

This is not for the beginner, as we will be discussing advanced concepts and a certain level of business sophistication and experience will be needed. This is also not for people who will not participate. Participants must show up for the monthly meetings (only 3 misses are allowed in a one-year cycle). This is not for the person so swamped in their daily business operations that they do not have the time and capacity to work ON their business in a consistent and focused way. This is not for the person who likes to make excuses, refuses to change their mindset, or does not get along with others. 

When are the Mastermind sessions?

Each month we host a LIVE virtual three (3) hour mastermind session, These sessions will be facilitated, structured, and require all mastermind members to participate.

How long will enrollment be open?

The enrollment cycle is from February 10 - March 20, 2024 (or until all seats are filled, whichever comes first) with the first Optimization Implementation session beginning in April and FULL Mastermind sessions beginning in May.

How can I enroll in the Mastermind?

To enroll in the mastermind you must complete the enrollment process and pay the initial deposit of $997 USD. To do so, complete the form at the bottom of this page. Once your enrollment deposit is processed you will receive email confirmation and within 48 hours of confirmation you will receive a link to schedule your Application Interview to complete the enrollment process. Once the interview is completed, and we have reviewed all applications, you will receive a call to inform you of your application status as a member of the High-Achievers Mastermind.

🌟 Application ONLY 🌟

Apply now and secure your spot for only $997

Your FOUNDING MEMBER investment for the High-Achievers Mastermind is $24,997 $9,997 USD. Secure your spot today with a deposit of only $997 USD.

➡️ ➡️ No Risk Guarantee ⬅️ ⬅️

If, after applying you decide that you are not ready to be a High-Achiever, or we determine that you are not a right fit member for this action-centered and results driven group of entrepreneurs, we will fully refund your deposit and ensure you leave with a clear plan of action to grow your business and a MAP you can use to achieve it by yourself.

Complete the form below to enroll in the High Achiever's Mastermind:

We don’t believe in “get rich” programs – only in hard working, adding value, and serving others with excellence and consistency. Our training sessions are intended to help you understand the principles behind owning and operating a successful home care agency. Our programs require a significant personal investment of work and discipline – just as with any worthwhile endeavor or professional, continuing education program. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, and strategies. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or a guarantee of results or future earnings.